Oneida-Herkimer-Madison BOCES Optimizes Collaboration with the Agilix Learning Suite
The Problem: A 3-Hour Drive or Nothing
The New York State Legislature’s vision looked ahead of its time—and in many ways, it was. Evenwhen the internet made communication easier, true collaboration when it came to complexconcepts like developing curriculum and sharing teaching methodologies proved elusive.
With the introduction of the Common Core in 2014, educators gathered to break down thestandards and create their own resources. The most efective work was accomplished by gettingeducators in the same room. Diferent schools, in OHM BOCES, could easily be two to three hoursaway, so collaboration remained a significant obstacle. Often, this left great ideas with no realfollow-up. Who has that sort of time? Also, sharing these great resources broadly was easier saidthan done.
The software solutions employed by the schools for online learning worked in theory, but thestudents needed to switch back and forth between far too many disparate tools. Imagine a kidsitting at a computer with nearly 20 tabs open, switching between them to complete one course.There had to be a better way.
How the Agilix Learning Suite Led to a New Way of Life
Nearly 70 years after establishing the Oneida-Herkimer-Madison BOCES, the Agilix Learning Suiteempowered the districts to fully reap the potential of collaboration.
Buzz houses all the curriculum and professional development. Teachers across the BOCES and eventhroughout the state can share videos, lessons, worksheets, exams, and other materials to supporteach other and ensure students get the best experience possible.
And since all the materials are found within Buzz, students don’t need to maintain countless opentabs with siloed data. Everything they need is right at their fingertips.
Educators extended collaboration further by leveraging the base and derivative course featurewithin Buzz. Now the OHM BOCES curriculum teamcould manage their content for multiple coursesover multiple years in one, central location. Teachers further enhanced and diferentiated thesevetted base courses by making derivative copies to accommodate specific learning needs andmodalities.
Publish Anywhere means the teachers in OHM BOCES are able to share their curriculum withdistricts in other parts of the state, even those who don’t use Agilix products. Collaboration that waschallenging even within the same BOCES only a few years ago is now accessible throughout theentire state of New York.
The vision that the New York State Legislature had in 1948 is finally fulfilled through the power of theAgilix Learning Suite.

Agilix Learning Suite
The best LMS for any teaching model
Publish Anywhere
Deliver your courses on any LMS.
Seamlessly connect your students,
tutors, curriculum, and data
Always learning—occasionally connected.
Praise from Students in the Program